Operating Systems

Linux: Comandos Básicos e Avançados

Operating Systems / Artificial Intelligence / Heuristics / Computer Networks / Linux / Optimization techniques

Optic Laser Spectral Array - PPt

Computer Science / Operating Systems / Military Intelligence / Wireless Communications / Mass Communication / European Security and Defence Policy / 3D Laser scanning (Architecture) / Encryption / Defence and Security / Defense and National Security / CLIENT SERVER COMPUTING / Encryption Algorithms / European Security and Defence Policy / 3D Laser scanning (Architecture) / Encryption / Defence and Security / Defense and National Security / CLIENT SERVER COMPUTING / Encryption Algorithms

Do commodity SMT processors need more OS research?

Operating Systems / Perforation / Simulation Study

Engenharia de Sistemas de Computação - TP [PT]

Operating Systems / Computer Engineering / Performance Evaluation / Computer Science and Engeneering / Engenharia Informatica / Hardware Performance Counters


Operating Systems / Information Technology / Information Security / Network Security / Computer Networks / Networking / Cyber Security / Networking / Cyber Security

Llamadas al sistema

Computer Science / Operating Systems / Computer Engineering / Systems Engineering

Estudo de viabilidade para utilização da Webcam como Sensor de Luminosidade para controle do Backlight do Monitor

Operating Systems / Image Processing / Image Analysis / Brightness Perception / Digital Image Processing / Sistemas Operacionais / Ambient Light Sensor / Sistemas Operacionais / Ambient Light Sensor
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